So - I wanted to show this one...it's a companion piece to the other one I recently posted (but that one is still being revised) I wanted to get your views on the composition...and if it's working or not...? I wanted to do another drawing with all the characters from the previous illustration.
Hi, Isaac! I love your characters - I think their expressions are very well done and they're very adorable. Continuing with having Adelia outside the frame is a good choice, since she brings the eyes into the frame and to the various points within it. I think, though, that there's just a bit too much empty space behind her. I almost want to push her back in because she seems *too* separated from the fun. Also, having her inside a bit more would cover the trailing edge of the road right behind her cart. It may just be me, and it may not affect me the same way once it's colored, but right now it's distracting me because it points toward one way while Adelia is going the other way.
Hope this helps you! I can't wait to see this in color ^_^
ooh! I think I should have Adelia move up a little bit more! I likes your suggestion. Consider it done! And thanks for responding to my post (and just in case anyone else comments, thanks in advance!)....!
Hey, Issac! Nice work.
I like the way you spread out your characters and achieved a balance to the overall scene. I'm still trying to work out how to give the body language you achieve in your work. It's fun to look at and very expressive. I'm also really impressed with how you can capture expressions with eyes only (Adelia's eye, that is)
I'm dying to know what the storyline is here...is poor Adelia getting left out of the fun?
I think the two central pillow pigs play as "fuller/rounder" in the body than the outside characters (those seem more flat and 2 dimensional to me for some reason--but that can be solved with color). The little dude facing away from us might benefit from showing us his left shoulder joint too, but that's really being picky!
I love the details on the wagons...with the peeling lights and windows. Can't wait to see color!
Hi, I agree with all of the above and I like the action. Repost it when Adelia is moved back and the pillows are colored. :)You really capture a lot of action and emotion using very minimal lines. I love it. :)
Hey Isaac, I feel so incredibly sorry for Adelia! Honestly. I want to pick up that wagon handle so so badly to get her into the fun. Thats awesome work right there dude! I agree with what has been said. Your expressions are priceless, the cart does need to be moved in a bit, and I would even consider just trying to rotate Adelia facing the other direction. Just try, I don't know if it would work compositionally or not.
Definitely looking forward to color! Be careful of those black lines. ;)
This is splendid Isaac, my only crit I had was already said -- about moving Adelia in a bit so she looks like she's connected to the scene behind her.
I love the details on the wagon, hey I want a wagon like that! Your pillow skunk girl cracks me up. I can just imagine them bouncing like jello-y marshmallows. Can't wait to see color!
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