I'm working on this pastel painting for the Children's Illustrator's Club in Deviant Art. This month's topic is "Owl."
Btw, this picture was cropped a little bit because it was crooked, so there's actually more space on the left.
Right now it's just a very rough work in progress. As you can tell, I'm a big fan of Van
Gogh. Is the composition working out? Should I add some stars? I'm scared it might look *too* much like Starry Night, since I did kind of appropriate the moon. The sky is definitely not done yet.
Also, do you think I should add some houses at the bottom, or would it be alright to leave the bottom mountain just a mountain? The blue is just the
underpainting right now.
Thanks for your help in advance! Now I'm going to go and binge on some ice cream/comfort food since apparently the Giants won't be in the Super Bowl this year :(
~ Kris
---------------------------- UPDATE

Sorry for the slight blur - I had to take the picture under my flourescent light since I couldn't wait till day light tomorrow.
I added some heart/stars and worked on the owl (I know, I said I didn't want it to look *too* Starry Night, but meh, I figured I may as well). I'm not happy with the owl at all, so I think I will wait to do the other one. I think she looks slightly angry O_o Anyway, I'm not sure if she pops out enough, or if her colors just look blah.