Saturday, October 3, 2009

Germs WIP

Sorry I just couldn't get my act together last week, heheh -- my brain was not having this "Pattern" business! Well here's a WIP for this week's IF... super simple but thought I could do it as a spot illustration (wash your hands before you eat to avoid germs, that sort of thing).

Is this *too* simple? As in boring? Any suggestions?


Unknown said...

It might be fun to have the camera angle from the sink. The water running over the hands and the kids face far in the BKGD.

I read the word WIP a lot. What does that mean?I feel dumb asking.

Carmen Medlin said...

WIP = Work In Progress. :)
Now that *would* be an interesting perspective, I wonder if I could pull it off!

Unknown said...

I can see what you mean by it being simple...but you get that from the side angle you chose to draw. I don't have a problem with it - I mean, it's not like he's doing some sort of dynamic action...he's just washing his a simple side profile works (for me). You've also still given us some depth by the addition of seeing multiple toes, and the towel which is behind him. Maybe a bubble crossing the wall and the towel to push it further back?

You always do such a good job drawing little kids! Even when they're simple like this, they look really well drawn. Mine always end up on the cartoony side, so I look up to the way you depict the little ones.

Patti said...

I was thinking the same thing regarding point of view.
You could do some fun stuff with the lather.

nicbrek said...

Your sketch is nicely drawn. I don't think it looks boring in anyway whatsoever. The scene is very realistic as is. The only thing I would consider adding may be a step stool for added interest. The sink is vertical and so is the mirror. Maybe if the boy is standing on the stool with his body arched, it may add a bit more of a childish innocence to the illustration. Most children like to see themselves in the mirror any chance they can get it.

Unknown said...

man, I have all kinds of WIP's then. Even when something is done I think it's still a WIP. I like the acronym.

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

I also love your kiddos...Depends what this is for, but if it is for fun I might make him turned more toward us as his bar of soap zips out of his hands and into the air...kind of in an arch...bubbles and splashes going everywhere. LOL I only say that because I have watched my daughter "accidentally" do just that. :)