Thursday, June 18, 2009

Take the 30 day Doodle Challenge

I got my copy of the Spring issue of MO Scribbles yesterday. I read an article on daily drawing for play and decided to take the daily doodle 30 day challenge.

My first attempt is here: on my web site blog. Take a peek and please leave me a comment.

Why not join me in the 30 day challenge. Let's egg each other on and see where we end up.



kris fulk said...

Wendy! I read your blog - must say we are in absolutely the same boat. I think this is a great idea and I hope you conquer this challenge bwahaha! I totally understand how that "must create a masterpiece" mindset is counterproductive, and I am giving you my two thumbs up and cheers!

Will be following your daily doodles for sure!!

<3 Kris

Carmen Medlin said...

This is a great idea, Wendy -- I've been thinking about doing some kind of sketch challenge for awhile now. I may hop onboard! Does provide instant blogging material too, heh -- sometimes I get stuck for subjects.
Good for you for starting this!

Anonymous said...

post links when you can. I'd like to see what you do.