Thursday, February 11, 2010

Post it note Monsters

Just started drawing on post it notes and really like it. Then one thing lead to another and now I am painting the post it note drawings in photoshop. Kind of a fun quick exercise.


Unknown said...

Quite nice! I always like your textures.

I just do the traditional sketch in a book, but I've recently been trying to sketch a little bit in photoshop. I can't seem to really take to that though - I like printing it out and revising still. I like my blue pencil too much...

Great monster. I've seen shows around southern california (I don't know where you're at) where there are group shows of people doing post it note paintings (the entire show is on post its) and another, more popular one, is on 5x7 cards. Do you have anything like that out there?

In any case, it could be a fun little thing to sell. The print with the original sketch or something...?

Unknown said...

It was fun to take a quick doodle and make it come to life with some paint. Trying to get faster at rendering so I don't spend hours and hours on these things.