I was at Illustrator day this last Saturday in the Los Angeles area. It made me realize that one really should be attending the local schmoozes...so when you go to a bigger event like this, you're standing in a sea of people you don't know. I still did quite well, I talked to a bunch of talented local artists, as well as the two big speakers (the art rep for Shannon Associates and Chad Beckerman who's an art director at Abrams).
One thing I found out is that Chad doesn't like big mailers and considers them a waste of time, and that a postcard is just fine. I liked hearing that from an actual art director - that postcards actually work...I guess you just have to have the right thing on the postcard that they're looking for...
Oh - and during some of the talks that I wasn't as interested in I was sketching for a freelance project. Above is the original sketch which I showed to my client and he wanted an older, leather clad rocker...and not so much on stage as in a loft practicing.

He just wanted a color rough drawing to show with a pitch, so we'll see where it goes. He wanted it on spec at first, but i was able to negotiate a small fee. But what was nice is that I really enjoyed working on this drawing (I did another one where the guy drove into a swimming pool)...but it was nice to do something different and to push myself to draw humans...I've been focusing on square little animals for quite some time...

Anyway - Chad (the art director for Abrams) also said that you should be sending postcards to everyone on the list - I had asked who to target (the editor, assistant editor, publisher, etc)...and he said everyone. It seems like a no brainer, I guess - but when I was putting together my postcard lists I always wondered if it was necessary...Anyway - he said that it could be any of those people that hire you...
Also - we got a list - these people accept e-mail submissions (either dummies or illustration samples):
Albert WhitmanStone Arch Booksjewish publisher -
Kar-Ben PublishingHandprint BooksAugust HouseBarefoot BooksSo there you go. Good hunting!