I made changes to the girl and fixed some other things in the illustration that were bugging me. Everyone's feedback was really helpful and I think the piece is 100 times better than before. Let me know if you see anything else that could use a tweak.
Thanks again illustration boarders.
I like it Steve! The little girl (you can never go wrong with pigtails!) isn't stiff as in the first one and really feels like a part of the story. great job!
Ditto that, much better!
On a side note, I stumbled on this digital painting post from an Art blog I really enjoy. I think you might find it particularly interesting...
It has to do with color and light layering...
Part 1
Part 2
Hmmm...for whatever reason, my comment isn't here anymore...but I wanted to make sure to tell you good job on your revisions. The girl looks much better!
I also ran across a art blog about digital painting that you might enjoy...Seeing this guy's work really makes me want to give digital a try.
part 1
part 2
visually attractive!
Hi ya Steve...yeah, I like the changes....it is more involving. :) Colors are fantastic.
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