Thursday, April 16, 2009

Studio Spaces

I thought it might be cool if we shared what our studio spaces look like. I work out of the basement of my home. It's a good space, but I wish I had a window. Someday I would like to have a House with a big yard where I can build a studio/storage area overlooking a pool and garden. Aren't dreams the best.


kris fulk said...

I don't have a studio lol - I have a table. It looked like this:

But after a couple of months into the semester, it's been buried beneath boxes of Unison pastels, more markers, photography books by David LaChapelle and other things I've accumulated. So in essence, I don't really get to use my table anymore, and I just bunk on the coffee table in the living room -_-

Carmen Medlin said...

Wow your studio looks so clean and organized!! Lol. I'd love to have an outside studio too, for now it is a corner of my bedroom. Not much room so I often have piles of art supplies hanging about.